Hi, I'm Yang AN

Product Designer /
problem Solver
Visual Storyteller
Strategic Planner
User Advocate
team Player
UIUX Designer
Problem Solver
I'm passionate about creating intuitive user experiences that solve complex challenges, and I particularly enjoy diving deep into problems to craft innovative design solutions.

AI automation for financial operators

*under NDA

An AI-powered workflow automation service (SaaS) for financial specialists.

Case Study   →

Design system & Dashboard redesign for financial admins

*under NDA

A new design system from scratch, and a redesigned dashboard.

Case Study   →

Sine Daily AI

*under NDA

An AI-driven spiritual guidance app that offers personalized astrology, tarot readings, and self-reflection tools to inspire users.

Nkomor Health

Healthcare web app

A healthcare platform for patients to get easy access to healthcare services in Africa.

Visit website   →

Alpacai Game

Web3 mini-game

A Telegram Web3 based mini-game where players raise alpacas, expand their farms, and earn rewards.

Dreamore AI

*under NDA

An AI-driven dream interpretation and personalized meditation app.


Influencer marketing

A platform for better collaboration between influencers and brands.

Case Study   →


Skiing carpool platform

A carpool platform to make skiing more accesible for snow-sports enthusiastics.

Case Study   →

Skiable - Ticket

Ticket booking app

An extra exploration of the Skiable UI design with ticket booking function.

Case Study   →


Meal prep app

A time saver for healthy meal preperations.

Case Study   →